Saturday, August 2, 2008

Help! Stubborn baby alert.

So, I have a screaming baby on my hands. Not a happy first blog post, but it's what's happening right now. It's hip, it's happening. OK, it's just awful. She woke up this morning at 4 a.m. You know, the hour of senior citizens and night shift factory workers. And I suppose college kids who haven't even gone to sleep yet. The rest of us are happily snuggled into our comfy beds and wish to stay there. Not Emmie. She was awake. Fully. And like it's been with her lately, she just wants to be held. If you ignore her, she screams. It's the blood curdling, horror movie scream, and it is impossible (despite window air conditioners and closed doors- we've tried) to ignore. Plus it prompts occasional pounding on walls from our neighbors (sadly, we live in an apartment so when our family suffers, so do two others). Therefore, one of us must get up and deal with her. It was Doc's turn. Me, I tried to pretend I was asleep. It didn't fool Doc. But he got up anyway. 

That was 9 hours and 15 minutes ago. She still hasn't gone back to sleep to stay. She'll fall asleep, but when I try to move her to her crib, the screaming resumes. I just tried to rock her and she screamed and struggled.  So I deposited her on the floor. She laid down, and dozed off. Argh!! I decided to move her to her crib under the theory that she might wake up, but then she'd put herself back to sleep as on the floor. Right??? Nope. She's now screaming in her crib. But mommy needs a break, so mommy will take 5, as they say, and she can scream a little. I have no idea, by the way, what might be wrong other than possibly tooth pain. 

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